Review for 9/11/2001


(#) Brooke_Linn 2011-09-14

I totally agree with you. Seriously, your thoughts are almost exactly the same as mine. I voiced that same opinion to my mother, who isn't a huge fan of mcr, and she screamed at me. She told me that there was no way in the world 911 could ever be good. And I just smirked to myself and thought about how if she knew the truth, and knew that before I discovered mcr i was very suicidal, she wouldn't be saying the same thing. It made me laugh.

Anyway, just thought I should tell you i feel the same way

Author's response

OMG that is actually the same! ah but parents never understand so all we can do is laugh behind their backs at their epic cluelessness (:
lina xo

ps thanks for reading!