Review for Something that happened that I need to get out

Something that happened that I need to get out

(#) Think-Happy-Thoughts 2011-10-19

one of my ex parents was a complete asshole. but hes gone now, and i got over it. so what I'm saying is be strong, because if you did kill yourself your mom would win. do you want that? no, of course not, what i do whenever i fell really shitty, is i but on my headphones and listen to songs until i fell better. so music is like a bandage, it helps heal. but it doesn't cure, so you have to cure it by standing up for yourself and fighting back. you need to tell an adult , or a special unit of protection called "difise". and remember that it is NOT YOUR fault for your mothers behavior, its her own doing. if you need somone to talk to , email me at
Stay Strong,
Angel Fasanella