Review for more auditions

more auditions

(#) mikeywayily 2011-10-24

okay id like to be kobra kids girlfriend or your best friend!
Name Onyx Rose
Nickname Sonic Shock
Age Whatever works
Why are you a killjoy/bli worker: killjoy because bli killed my parents and little sister and forced my brother to be medicated and he is a bli worker like a drac.
Your life before bli: lived in a qquiet suburbia life with my mom and dad and brother and sister brother is older than me we were super close and emo and supported eachother through every thing..thats all i think you need here
Appearence short choppy white/blonde hair short and skinny big boobs skinny jeans tutus converse and cut up shirts are usual attire. sapphire blue eyes bright heavy make up
Personality tough over protective of people she loves random exiting funny flirty perverted
Anything else shows people her underweare alot for unknown reasons and declares that any touch from anyone she doesnt know is rape and screams rape if you touch her..
if you need more just ask! HOPE I GET IN