Review for more auditions

more auditions

(#) ZombiexCupcake 2011-10-24

Name, izzi getto
Nickname, colorful destruction
Age, 18
Why are you a killjoy/bli worker, I am forced to be in bli because my daddy is korse
Life before bli took over, daddy was like any other parent. I was daddys little princess but then he changed and turned evil.
Appearance, you know what I look like..
Personality, I'm girly and a preppy little bitch. What do you think I'm like dumbass..
Anything else, you know like everything about me. And you should make me your best friend who.sneaked out to see yoy cause she is Korses daughter because I am your beat friend and I got you with danni so snaps for me :)

Author's response

Ha god I fuckin love you izzi. Yes you are my bff and yeah thanks for getting us together :P