Review for Fixing the Un-Fixable

Fixing the Un-Fixable

(#) tortillachip 2011-11-11

Things have been sort of tough lately, and if there's anything that can cheer me up, it would definitely be great fanfiction. I just love this so much. It's well written and beautiful and just amazing. I don't know how someone could be so great at writing. I really wish I was as good as you. I tried to wrote a Frank/Mikey story once, but it came out horribly. Anyway, the way you wrote it out was just wonderful. Some people would just go from saying one thing and then going off in a different direction. You'd have no clue what was going on, but you build up to it. I really like that in a fic. Also just about every single line in this story is amazing. Seriously I don't know how you do it. I bet if I wrote a fic there'd be only one ok line and the rest would just suck. I am in shock of how good you write. I have a lot to say about this chapter and this story, and they're only good things, but if I said everything I liked about it it'd be about 50 pages long. I wanted to say that " my pefect angel with the diamond eyes" could be a song lyric. It's a really good line. Frank and Mikey love each other so all is right with the world. One last thing. Sorry about your boyfriend. It must suck right now. And also sorry that this comment is all jumbled up. The only reason it is is because you have ruined my brain cells with your wonderfully amazing writing.

Author's response

I know that my reponses all come out sounding the same but; thank you! Thank you very much for reveiwing; for putting such detail and time into it; for reading the thing in the first place and for being so god-damn awesome! I'm excrutiatingly glad that you liked it and that it cheered you up - your review has done the same for me! I'm gloriously happy that you want to be as good as me (despite the fact that I don't really think much of what I write), all you've got to do is drink loads of coffee and act like you know what you're doing! I bet your Frikey story is great and I'd love to read it - don't put yourself down! I think that there will probably be one more chapter to this (an epilogue kind of thing) and that will be up soon. Yeah, it does kind of suck right now, but reading such a lovely review has made it suck a little less. Thank you very much! :)