Review for Fixing the Unfixable

Fixing the Unfixable

(#) TheLittleSinner 2011-11-14

Ah, alas I am quite sad to say goodbye to this story. You did such a fantastic job with it! I think I may have possibly mentioned this before, but I honestly think you have the best Frikeys. No Ifs, ands, or buts. Wow... Way to sound like a kindergartener, self. But you know what they say, when one door closes, another opens. :) I can't wait to see what you'll be writing next.

Author's response

Thank you very much - I'm extremely glad that you liked it! I'm kinda sad to be saying goodbye to this too, it was my first ever chaptered fic so to me it's kinda like the end of an (extremely short) era. Thank sooooo much for reading and reviewing! :)