Review for Your Happy Ending

Your Happy Ending

(#) Obsessive-Fangirl 2011-12-09

"One Urie with ADHD is already enough." Oh, how I love that line. I'm quoting it when my friends go nuts now.

Author's response

Funny story behind that line. My friend Brandon was jumping and screaming and his last name is Uribe(it's said like yer-eye-be). Swear to god. I'm not even kidding. His name is Brandon Uribe and it's the coolest thing in the world to know him. Anywayss so he was jumping and all of a sudden with out thinking I screamed "Dammit Brandon! One Urie with ADHD is enough!" and he said "But I'm not a Urie... I'm a Uribe." with a straight face. xD So now I constantly use that line around him on purpose xD