Review for Auditions!


(#) Vengefulscout 2011-12-17

Name: Lucy Toye

Age: 17

Social status (middle class, royalty, nobility, peasant etc etc): Middle class

Give me a title for who you are (example: Duke of, Prince of...): Normal person. Just called Miss Toye

Country you're character is from: England but is half French

Personality: Shy, quiet, kind, self-concious and caring. Can be easily offended, can cry really easily, does what she is told and is very protective over friends and family.

Favorite colors: Dark blue and red

Likes: Animals, playing the piano, singing, writing stories and poetry and
is interested in ghosts

Dislikes: Spiders, knifes, bullies and fire (she has a phobia of)

Any back story?: Her mother was french and her father was english. Her father was really abusive and he killed her mother and hanged himself. She is middle class because she inherited money from her mother and father.

Other: I think that's all!

Hope thats all okay, Happy Story Writing!