"Her idols include Billie Joe Armstrong, Brian Molko, Ray Toro and Adnarim Smada"
Lornaigh, you really warm my heart you know that? It's hard to sum up really. I really wish we could have met in this life, I think we may well could have been great friends. You really do seem like my kindred spirit to be honest.
Honey, to continue, you're not a shit author, I really hope you can see that now. You really are and will always remain one of the few heroes I have out there, my grandfather on my mum's side being one of the only other ones.
I admire you so much dearie, I mean it's kind of hard not to admire someone with a band named Synth Militia, (how fucking awesome is that?!), and that plays 8683629637 instruments including the glockenspiel,(GERMAN INSTRUMENTS OF DEATH! FTW!!!), and also a person with a full name that long!
This has been one of the shittiest days of my life because I was the victim of a publishing scam and then after reading this, I honestly feel so much better love.
So thanks for that!
-Adnarim Smada