Review for My Immortal: The Great MSTing

My Immortal: The Great MSTing

(#) MCRHater 2011-12-30

Oh I'm sorry. If I knew I was dealing with a complete Fretard I'd have used smaller words.

1. MSTing isn't fanfiction.

2. Your MSTing isn't Harry Potter fanfiction

3. You posted this crap in the Harry Potter fanfiction section anyway.

4. Harry Potter fans want to read Harry Potter fanfiction. They don't want to see your bandfic inspired illiterate vomit that only you and your bandfic groupies have any interest in.

5. Why the hell are you surprised that people hate you? Are you truly that stupid?

I think you came into our section deliberately causing trouble. You found it.

I suggest you remove your story from this section and post it where you will find an appreciative audience that wants to read it. No HP fan wants to