Gerard is really pushing it. He is being an asshole tO Mikey. This is a fantastic chapter. I like how Frank is always there to step in when things get bad but sometimes he doesn't help fast enough. He waits for something bad to happen. Poor Mikey can't even have a boyfriend because of Gerard. Sure, it's hard for Gerard but he must realise he's making it worse for Mikey. The story is really good and well thought out I think. I cant wait to see what happens next so update soon please! :)
Author's response
Gerard is deffinitely pushing it with poor Mikey, he just doesn't know how to deal with some stuff. Yeah, Frank sometimes leaves it until it's too late to help, even though he is deffinitely the best thing to happen to Gerard and Mikey's failing brothership for a long time. Gerard just needs to realise that ehe really is just hurting Mikey even more.
Thank you very much; I'm so very pleased that you think that this story is alright! I'll try to update tonight (if my homework isn't too hard and time-consuming).
Thank you very much for taking the time to review! :)