Review for You`re the one that I need, I`m the one that you loathe

You`re the one that I need, I`m the one that you loathe

(#) mychemicalbitchbot 2012-01-06

Confrontation, bitches! La la la la loooove!!!!!!!!! I freaking OWN loving you and this story!!! It took me a while to review, sorry about that. Im on vacation, I can't really help it XP I really really really really can't wait to find out what happens next, I' m dying! I'm feeling cut with knives.... Ahem, back on track. This chapter was amazing, and I really can't wait to read more! The dynamic is so lovely, a freaked out distanced Gerard with a worried Frank makes the world go round! I hope they make up.... Or Frank brutally rejects him. I can't see that happening, though. SO, let us see what will happen, consider me an anxious wreck waiting for this (not too far from the truth XD)
Well, I hope yo are doing well!

Author's response

I¬m glad you like it so much. I`ll try to update as soon as I can. I hope yout having a nice time. I`m not going to say what happens but I hope that you will like the next chapter