Review for Roll Up, Roll Up. Auditions.

Roll Up, Roll Up. Auditions.

(#) I_am_a_Graveyard 2012-01-11

Name: Jordan March. Jordi for short.

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Talent: bass guitar and screaming

Hair: brightish red (died), long and straight (from straightning it). bangs that cover her right eye

Skin: completley pale and spottless. Almoast white.


Clothes you wear normally: any colour skinny jeans really, mostley black, band t-shirts, t-shirts you would find on (e.g. humerous ones about zombies)

Clothes you would wear for a night out or for a special performance: the kind of clothes Lynz Way wears

Any tattoos/piercings:spider bites

Anything else for looks: nails painted to match bright jeans

How did you get a place at the camp: doesn't have a lot of money so she worked hard to get money for it.

Do you like the camp? Why? Yes but feels alone there(sorry if thats cliche or whatever)

Are you shy or outgoing?very shy

How confident are you in your talent? very confident

Any bad habits or quirks? bites right lip ring a lot

Saying/phrase you use often: whatever you want her to say (:

Some random, interesting facts about you:low self esteem and pretty much no convidence apart from playing bass. Only ever wears converse. intersted in death/super natural

Likes: being outside in the rain and night. Cuddels. Playing bass and screaming. Rubber bands (as in thick ones you get that are made from sylican (i cant spell it :L))

Dislikes:cold baths/showers, rap music, bitchy people, oranged faced girls, text language, the use of wrong grammer.

Music taste:favourite genre is punk. also likes metal, pop punk, alternetive

Fears:small spaces, spiders, water

Anything else I need to know? comes from a poor background. parents split up when she was eight.

Band name: My Vengeful(sorry if thats splet wrong!) Romance? Pahaha bad I know, I tried :3

Hope that was good enough and if not, sorry for wasting your time! I tried my best -shrug-. Good luck with the story!