Review for Finally Free

Finally Free

(#) killjoys 2012-01-13

I love the explanations of fragile butterflies.. it makes so much sense, but its so sad.. it strange how people often care and take more respect of people actually property than people themselves sometimes.

I never really thought of it that way before but I totally understand it. people always take care not to mess with someone house! but when it comes to relationships and friendships people never tred as softly!

AS for knowing who adam is I dont have a clue now.. I cant think of any other adams in the musci business! but once I discover who it is I will probably be like ooo i am stupid lol

I look forward to more.. I just hope adam doesnt try and cause her trouble when they get back to new york!

Mary x

Author's response

Hi Mary,

Thank you so much for enjoying it. I hope to write as soon as I'm able to. It's really important to me that someone enjoys my writings because they are very personal.

You'll find out who's Adam in the next chapter!
