Review for AUDITIONS


(#) XxxFallenAngelXxxx 2012-01-14

NAME. Ashling Webb but insists on being called Ash. Sometimes gets called Asha but she doesn`t really like it

AGE (15+) anything between l6 and 23 is okay with me.

PART YOU WANT I`d like to be the Cinderella type girl`s best friend or one of the other girls friend. I don`t really mind but don`t want to be a bad guy.

GENDER female

HAIR waist length and very wild and wavy-not proper curls just waves. She occasionally straightens sit but prefers it all wild and natural. It is jet black and she has the tips of it dyed red. Has a thick side fringe that falls over left eye. Never tied back but always has some kind of hair bow on the left but it doesn’t actually clip hair back from eyes it just sits there.

she has emerald green eyes that are always outlined with dark purple, blue or black eyeliner.

BODY TYPE she is about average height, long dancers legs but has a very boyish figure-very small breasts and hips.

SHORT OR TALL I said it before but average height.

PIERCINGS AND OR TATTOOS? An owl on the inside of her left wrist in memory of her gran, Egyptian eye of Horus which was thought to be a sign of protection on the back of her neck, a trail of stars on her back. A Monroe piercing, her ears done several times and a nose stud.

she always tries to bypass this question as it makes her uncomfortable. She prefers girls to guys but has been known to have a few celeb crushes (Mainly Billie Joe Armstrong and Kurt Cobain) and she dated this guy Draco when she was 15 but it didn`t work out well.

DO YOU WANT ANY ROMANCE IN YOUR PART IF THE STORY? If you could fit it in then that would be great! If not as a main part could you possibly mention it in passing if someone asks? I`d love it was someone like Lyn-z because I really admire her. Not saying her but someone who looks a little like her maybe?

THOUGHTS IN OTHER CHARACTERS; not too sure what you mean? Like what she thinks of the others? If not please tell me. Well it depends; if you are nice to her then she is nice to you. If you a horrible to her or her friends, or just plain horrible in general then she will not forgive and forget easily. Gets into lots of fights (verbal and physical) a lot and stands up for the underdog in any situation.

LIKES rock music, old decent pop music and she also likes lights and some Taylor Swift songs. Animals-especially snakes and spiders, little children, art, writing, tattoos and piercings, friends, coffee and tea, chocolate, fruit, travelling, money, shopping, midnight, books, horror films, cheesy romantic comedies, old animated Disney films, concerts and nature. Oh and learning new things.
DISLIKES all the isms, being told that she can`t do something, being judged, mean people, fake people, slutty people with no self respect, rape, war, animal cruelty, children cruelty, music with bad meanings to kids, swearing in front of kids, being looked down on, heights, water-can`t swim, spineless people, bullies, people forcing religion down your throat and people being forced into things they don`t want to do.

MUSIC TASTE I put that in likes, sorry.

PAST had a mostly happy childhood, had the usual teen problems of loosing friends and stuff like that. She lost her gran when she was 13 which really hurt her but she is mostly okay about it now. Struggled with her sexuality and still does a little, did well academically in school but got into fights with others kids a lot. Made out to be the bad guy all the time when she was normally provoked. Moved from England when she was five to America (I assume that is where the story takes place?) she is half Scottish on her mother’s side and she misses it in England a lot. She lives in a small house with her long term girlfriend and with her pet tarantula Kurt and her jet black “Witches” cat Jinx. So she has had a pretty boring normal life. Feel free to change anything.

HOPES FOR THE FUTURE is hoping to maybe become a writer, but is very interested in animals and has a part time job in a vet surgery as a receptionist. Would love to do something with animals and is looking in to becoming a vet though she is worried about the money.

FEARS losing people, being judged, heights and water, silences and being alone-she always has to have someone with her, even if it is just an animal. (Hence the two pets)

REGRETS not seeing her family much, never being back to England or Scotland. Getting into fights so much and worrying too much.

WEIRD, OR BAD HABITS bites her nails, smokes but not too heavily, chips of nail varnish, bites her lip when nervous, swears a lot, fiddles with her hair which may seem like she is flirting but she really isn`t. no matter how warm it is she has to have some kind of jacket on.

DAY OR NIGHT PERSON definitely not a morning person! A late evening night person. She likes to go out and have fun.

ANYTHING ELSE? Doesn`t eat meat.
She always wears black blue or purple eyeliner, and bright red lipstick or sometimes black. Her usual clothing is lots of punkish kind of stuff. Always wears mismatched socks and her earrings never match. Ever.
This sounds really cool. Have fun writing xoxodakota