Real name: Rosie Walton
Nickname: Rose, Blood (call her Rosie and she'll gouge your eyes out)
Killjoy name: Blood Bunny
Age (they're in highschool so keep that in mind): whatever fits
Looks: straight, shoulder length purple hair, paleish, a little bit skinny and hazel eyes
Clothes you usually wear: skinny jeans, vans or converses, band tees and tank tops
Killjoy outfit: white skinny jeans, purple tank top, purple converse, a red ripped leather jacket with no sleeves that says "blood bunny" on the front
Personality: at first she can come across as easily aggressive but shy and quiet but is really just a nice kind person who likes the occasional joke. but when her friends are in trouble she becomes a hardcore badass but is actually quite sensitive
Who you want be with in the fic: just a killjoy
Allergies: none
Habits: smokes, doodles on everything
Background: grew up in the north east of england (Newcastle) but was picked on because she didn't have the "accent" and she got called posh. She seemed normal and just brushed of the bullies until she had enough and started fighting back but then she'd go hame in tears, her brother died when she was 13 (jason aged 15 at time of death, suicide). she was then a target not because of her looks (ugly, fat, freak etc.) she got labeled the "weirdo with a dead suicidal brother who is going to die soon" she attempted suicide twice, because of the bullying and abuse at home (her family hates her and blames her for her brothers death).
Quirks: she hums to black veil brides songs when she is sad
Sexual orientation: bi-curious
tattoos/ piercings: a lip ring and a tattoo on her left wrist that says "jason foREVer" in memory of her brother who loved avenged sevenfold, and a tattoo on her right wrist that says "sixx" in memory of her killjoy best friend (sinful sixx) who is still out there.
Height: 5'5
Birthday: march 14th
Anything else: she sings, plays guitar and draws
hope you like it :)