Review for Worlds Apart

Worlds Apart

(#) DrakaDracula 2006-02-23

Now, this is an interesting one...

And Harry, Draco, and Severus...could it also have something to do with Harry Potter? Or is it purely a coincidence? ;)

Anyway, I'll be keeping my eye on this one...keep writing...

Author\'s Response: It has an itsy bitsy bit to do with Harry Potter. Insomuch as Harry Potter got Sylum-ized. It all started out with CSI:Miami and the Episode That Never Happened (otherwise known as Lost Son) and pretty much spiraled out of Bj Jones' control. heh heh. Sylumclan is a Yahoo!Group and it has a webpage, but you have to ask the ListMum for the password. It's loads of fun. Fair warning, it's a SlashHappy bunch. :)