Review for Auditions! Yet Again

Auditions! Yet Again

(#) XEvil_AngelX 2012-02-04

Change anything
Please fill in this:
Name: Benjamine Alex Mynroe
Age:17 (can change if needed)
Gender: female please
Part: whatever is needed
Eyes: big, doe like, a bright emerald green
Hair: Medium long (to the middle of he back) dirty blonde with brown streaks and a blue fringe
Body(like height, thin, curvy, tall, short ect): tall 5'8" kind of curvy,
Makeup: Simple eyeliner (more punk-ish)
Clothes (include any jewellery): Black or white t-shirts depending on her mood (angry/sad she wears black), black ripped skinny jeans, knee high red converse with black laces
She wears hoops for her lip ring, dark blue
Wears hoops for her earrings
Skin tone: More pale, kind of red in the cheeks
Tattoos: Evil angel (words) on her wrist and the lyrics to the song (evil angel) on her back, with punier wings around them
Piercings: she has her left lip peirced, and her cartlidge on both ears
Likes: Simplistic tasks, the color black, punk, when people don't cause drama
Dislikes: Drama, complicated tasks, anything VERY girly
Personality: she is more punk, but she cares for her friends, and isn't afraid to stand up for herself or tell you when your wrong
Anything else: Not really you can change whatever, Oh she is a master at the silent treatment
What pairing should this story be? Out of Frerard Frikey or Lyn-z and Gerard. Frikey please
For the stepsiblings-how do you treat the your dad`s girlfriend and her kid? She doesn't like the girlfriend at all, isn't find of the kid....she ignores then and gives then the silent treatment
How do you feel about them being around? Angry, and irratated
School bag: A grey messenger bag with Breaking Benjamin all over it (logo and lyrics)
For the teacher who sees ghosts
How long have you been able to see them? Since she was about 14
Thoughts on it: not that scary, interesting when they can take no for an answer
Were you surprised to find out the new student could see ghosts? Kind of, but she was kinda glad to not be the only one