Review for Flight 119

Flight 119

(#) PartyPoison 2012-02-07

This chapter was insightful. Now we know that even if they all make it off the island and everyone becomes happy again Ryan will still die because of his cancer.
There is the tinniest miniscule of a chance that this story could end without someone being emotionally disrupted negatively. But in a way they all already have been. Each character has enough of an obscure background that has a major importance to the way they act and think in the story at present. It adds depth (for me as a reader) and a new level for the way the story is viewed and taken in.
I don’t know if that really made sense, let me put it in simple terms:
You are astonishing. I could only wish for the type of skill you have in developing characters. There are very few who do it as well as you.
You have seemed to master this talent and use it in pretty much everything you post here. I do not know if you plan it out or if it comes easily and unconsciously to you, but I am definitely envious.
I find that even published authors can sometimes struggle with actually fully developing a character or even giving us a sense of each characters personality. They all seem to blend in to the same characteristic traits and have very few things that give them individuality.
Just, uhm… thought you should know that.
Waiting for your next chapter anxiously.