Review for Roll Up. Roll Up. Auditions.

Roll Up. Roll Up. Auditions.

(#) ilovefrankieieroxx 2012-02-08

Name (full name): Apollonia Corleone

Age(if auditioning for the half sister or sister`s friend it has to be within 13-15 and the fiancé has to be around thirtyish): 19 (can change)

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Lesbian


Eyes: Sapphire Blue

Clothing style(include shoes and jewellery) Wears a lot of gothic stuff

Makeup: Chalk white foundation, tons of black eyeliner, tons of black mascara, either dark red or black lipstick

Skin tone: Very pale

Body (like tall, thin, curvy, short ect): Freakishly tall 5'11, skinny as fuck weighs 80lbs

Anything else to do with appearance like piercings or tattoos(please remember young teens can`t have tattoos):

Piercings: Nose ring on right nostril, lip ring, monroe, eyebrow, 9 in one ear, 3 in the other, tongue stud

Tattoos: "Badass!" on inside of left wrist, "Revenge!" across knuckles, "Bookworm" like Frank's, "I want your bite. I want to feel your teeth on my neck. I want to taste the salt in your sweat. I want to rock your body all night" across right forearm, the death mark on left forearm, the slytherin badge on left shoulder, the godfather logo on left hip, giant black angel wings covering back with "We are the Fallen Angels" down the spine in between the two wings, a scorpion on neck, on back of left thigh, a pistol tucked into a garter around right thigh, "Say hello to my little friend!" around left ankle, on back of left hand

Likes: Coffee, smoking (Marlboro reds), drugs, scarface, godfather, the mafia, all sorts of music

Dislikes: Homophobes, racism, sexism, war, capitalism, the monarchy, posh people, poverty, slags, chavs, arrogance, ignorance, people who lie all the time

Personality: Badass and a rebel, hates being told what to do, extremely intelligent, smokes all the time, does several drugs, has an obsession with the godfather, the mafia and scarface, flirts with girls a lot, not afraid to fight for what she believes in,

Any quirks/bad habits? Smoking, drugs

Music taste: All music apart from rap

Anything else? Makes a lot of sex jokes,

For the love interest:

What attracted you to Bandit at first? Her eyes

Do you really think it could be love or does it mean little to you? It could be love. She doesn't fall in love easily

Good luck
Can't wait
Hope I get picked
Sorry if it's long I do tend to go on
If you need anymore information just tell me

Rosie :)