Review for Roll Up. Roll Up. Auditions.

Roll Up. Roll Up. Auditions.

(#) Cookie_monster 2012-02-08

I'd like to be Bandit's half sister please :) Or if not, one of her friends? :)

Name (full name): Hozzie (Hollie) Nicole Bareham/Way
Age(if auditioning for the half sister or sister`s friend it has to be within 13-15 and the fiancé has to be around thirtyish): 15
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Hair: Cherry red, shoulder-length, straight with a full-fringe.
Eyes: Blue
Clothing style(include shoes and jewellery) - A guitar pick necklace with her name on that her friend Olivia gave her, usually band tee-shirts (Black Veil Brides, My Chemical Romance, The Used, Slipknot, All Time Low), baggy jeans of any colour, converse shoes or random boots. ALWAYS wears three friendship bracelets (The kind that never come off) from her BFO (Best Friend Obviously) Jasmine. They're made of thread, one's red with different coloured beads, one's multi-coloured and the last one's also multi-coloured but brighter.
Makeup: Doesn't usually wear make-up unless can be bothered and then it's usually bright eye-liner like pink, blue or green and mascara. She can't stand foundation or lip-gloss. Her nails are always painted. Currently painted red on one hand, purple on the other. Sometimes they're painted pink, neon green or red with black dots on to look like a ladybug :3
Skin tone: Pale white
Body (like tall, thin, curvy, short ect): Hour-glass figure body :3
Anything else to do with appearance like piercings or tattoos(please remember young teens can`t have tattoos): Both ears pierced, that's it :)
Likes: The film Orphan, playing piano, pink, making people smile, the TV series K-on (Japenese manga series), singing, music, laughing, pie, chocolate milk.
Dislikes: Discrimination, nasty people, girls who wear too much make-up, tight clothes, really scary films.
Personality: Shy around new people, will open more with friends. Gullible. Sarcastic. Laughs a lot. Doesn't really know how to stand up for herself. Looks depressed when she daydreams which is quite a lot but she's generally a rather happy person.
Any quirks/bad habits? Bites lip when nervous, plays with fringe which really irritates her :L
Music taste: I kinda wrote that in clothes but oh well :) Rock music, alternative, metal... Nightcore covers of songs
Anything else? - Scared of the dark. Knows sign language and Spanish as well as English obviously :) Plays piano.

Hope I get in! :D

~ Hozzie