Review for Reviews


(#) xx_eddi_xx 2012-03-24

God damn it, who suggested MLR?


A fine review. I know it's got it's shitty points; I know there are too many characters and I'm shit with incorporating them all, and I know that they're all unrealistically gay. Nothing I haven't realized. XD I likely could've come up with my own characters, but I was feeling sooooo lazy when I had the idea. It actually started because of the audition and the idea came later.

And honestly, I have no idea why it's got all 5's. Not to be a humble shite, but really. It's likely because people auditioned for it and no other reason.

I appreciate your review and your fairness.

Though I didn't want a review done in the first place, because you're just telling me what I already know and don't want to admit to myself.

Boy, I sound fucking egotistic. Sorry, man.

Thanks and bye.


Author's response

It was well written and originalish, that's why it got fives. And the swearing. I'm weird, but the balance of swear words was perfect for me. It wasn't clean, but there wasn't two cusses per sentence. It was a nice change from no swears or fuck my fucking gypsy unicorns. Ah... Those fics annoy me sometimes.
And it's cool. I figured you had a firm grasp on your problems, seeing as you point out everyone else's.
XD live in the fantasy.