Review for Small Note and Auditions

Small Note and Auditions

(#) bloodbunny15 2012-04-11

Name: Andi Kai Way

Part: gerard's son

Age: 11

Looks: hazel eyes, black short hair spiked at back and dyed red with black bangs covering left eye, skinny-ish, pale-ish complexion and 5'2

Personality: shy at first with new people but when you get to know him he's creative, intelligent, witty, funny, sarcastic, rebelious, a bit of an ass at times, loyal to certain people, not very good when it comes to authority but idolises his dad, gets along with his older sibling but not necessarily (sp?) the younger ones, can be a bit of a drama queen at times, vulnerable and very insecure

Likes: music espicially black veil brides i mean OBSESSED (music styles are- alt rock, classic rock, southern rock and screamo), playing guitar, drawing, writing lyrics and stories, singing/screaming, acting, watching 80's horror films and drinking energy drinks

Dislikes: fakes, bullies, pop and r&b music (he can tolerate some rap like eminem but that's it), american idol and school

Talents: drawing, playing guitar, singing/screaming, writing lyrics and stories

Anything else: very depressed, angered easily and hates his mother

hope you like it (you can also use this for the easy A story if you want, just adjust some things)