Oh My Jon, still freakin out about the fact that you KNOW Fightstar, let alone LIKE them.... Anyway... I'll try and keep the references to a minimum, but I'm not promising anything. ;)
Ha, it was so much fun to read about Brendon verbally abusing Chelsea. And, I'm still very interested to know what Ryan's deal is - gay or not gay? That is the question. (Sorry, we're doing Shakespeare in English and I just had to throw that in... More specifically, Romeo and JULIET! Ha! It gets me every time. XD)
So, my lovely reviewer and fellow Fightstar fan, (it really is a match made in heaven), when's the next installment coming, hmm? I will be waiting. In the mean time, I'll have to try and 'stop panicking' (haha, you get it? XD man, I love that song!) and wait patiently. Because one day son, this will all be yours.
(C'mon, I just couldn't resist!)
Author's response
Haha, it makes me feel amazing when you freak out over things I know and/or like. :D It's great.
That was my favorite part to write, right next to the kissing Ryan part. That shall be somewhat revealed btw! (How old are you? Just curious. I remember doing that in English! ... I had way too much fun with it.)
(I agree.) RIGHT NOW! Hopefully it's not too cliche. I died a little writing it. I do get it! Yay, haha.
I expect a lot of coming quotes from both sides.