Review for Back in the day...

Back in the day...

(#) amos222 2012-04-21

I hate to be the only Debbie Downer, but this ending really wasn't my cup of tea. I loved te entire story, every part of it (except when Gerard and Frank discovered eachother's fears no less than THREE separate times) but the ending killed me. In an earlier author's note you said something like "It's going to end suddenly and violently; JK, it'll be drawn out and cute; JK, I just wanted to mess with you". I had sincerely hoped you would choose the second. Don't get me wrong, I think that my time was beyond well-spent in reading this entire story, I just wish it had been a touch (or more than a touch, something like a shove, maybe)… happier? Or at least not so tragic. Thank you anyway for writing and posting this. I really enjoyed it as every word had me wrapped up in the plot. You are wonderful.

Author's response


Sorry about the ending but that was what I'd planned from the beginning to I just stuck to that. Although this confused me greatly at first, because I thought you were reviewing my other story, which was fluffy. Kinda.

I get that you don't like the end - each to their own - but I prefer drama (and death) to fluff, so you know!

Thanks for reviewing.
