Review for Under City Lights

Under City Lights

(#) GAClive 2012-04-22

Hehe, it's actually been almost two years for me as well (two at late june).... not that I'm counting. >.> One of my last dates was seriously "Ready to go? So...What do you want to do?" "You didn't have anything planned?" "Well, I wanted to ask what you wanted to do!" "No plan on our first had a lot of chances to ask me" "Well I'm asking now! So, what do you want to do?" And only creeps and pervs have asked me out since then.

Maybe that's why I love your stories, I don't feel so alone when I read them! "Hey! This character's love life sucks too!"

Author's response

X.x I've had one like that. We ended up... hanging out at his place. Then he tried to kiss me. Uh, no. I felt like I was hanging out with a casual friend. No kissing there.
Yeah, when I worked at Taco Bell I had perverts hit on me constantly. It got old. Especially when they were drunk perverts.

Haha, good to hear! A lot of the shit I throw in has really happened, or is a close example of something that has happened to me or someone that I know... So it's all fairly realistic, or I try to make it so. For some reason I can't seem to settle on fairy tale romance types. There has to be conflict because... Well, I've always had conflict.
Glad you don't feel alone though. :D You shouldn't. Story-book romances are overrated and inaccurate generally.