Review for :) Auditions...Again

:) Auditions...Again

(#) ilovefrankieieroxx 2012-04-27

I shall be the otehr 3rd class passenger :D

Name: Apollonia Corleone

Age: 21 (can change if you wish)

Hair colour: jet black

How hair is usually worn: waist length, naturally dead straight

Clothing (must still be a dress but more plain than the fiancé) Plain white dress, soot at the bottom,

Shoes: Doesn't wear any

Any jewellery: Has a sapphire necklace which used to belong to her mother

Brief description of body, like height, weight, skin tone ect: Average height: 5'4", Skinny as hell:: 89lbs, unnaturally pale for her ethnicity (Sicilain/American)

Personality: very friendly but is very very tough, has paranoia, schizophrenia and selective muteism, oh and she's a lesbian :)

Likes: Frank, 3rd class people, drawing, playing music, reading

Dislikes: Upper/middle class people, arrogance, ignorance

How do you know Frank? They've met when they were 3 years old and have been best friends with him all that time

How long have you known him? Like I said since they were 3

How/when did you find out he was gay? Did he tell you, did you walk in on him ect? he told her because he trusted her and she trusted him and she in turn told him that she was gay

How do you feel about him being gay? she's completly fine with it and is with him when he is in need

How do earn money? she works in mafia and similar orginations (but Frank doesn't know)

Where are you from? Sicily

Are you excited about going to America? She is because she misses her family

What do you think about the Titanic (the ship)? She doesn't beleive it's unsinkable and is concerned at the amount of lifeboats on the ship

Do you have a family? Where are they? They are all in New York but most of them have died from various diseases which she is unaware of.

Opinion on Gerard? She likes him and thinks he is good for Frank

Opinion of the higher (richer) class people in general? she thinks they are all arrogant and ignorant and thinks there should be a class free society

Rosie :)]