Review for The road to recovery. (Or so we think...)

The road to recovery. (Or so we think...)

(#) DisenchatedDestroya 2012-05-17

This chapter was absolutely adorable! Pete was just so caring and gentle towards Mikey, something that Mikey really needs right now at this point in the story. Mikey collapsing really showed us how weak he is right now, both mentally and physically, and also how much all of this is taking a toll on him. Mikey seemed to be even more quiet in this chapter than he normally is, something that I think worked really well because it conveyed just how shaken/broken/hurt he is about what he saw happening between Gerard and Frank. I am kinda worried about him ignoring all contact from his brother and boyfriend though, it's gonna make them worry a hell of a lot.

I can't wait to see how Mikey and Pete's day off goes! Please update soon! :D

Author's response

Thank you so much! I'm really thrille that you liked it. I think this chapter shows how gentle Pete can be with Mikey so I'm glad you saw that. I'm also really happy that you saw how weak Mikey is right now both physically and mentally. It has definitely gone over board on him and he can't cope. I'm delighted that you got this point. I also find it interesting that you can see how quiet Mikey is getting. I didn't plan it in the chapters but I did notice it when I was writing but it is another sign of how hurt he is. He really should get into contact with his brother so they can talk things through but I guess we'll see what happens. Thank you so much for reading and leaving really helpful and detailed reviews! I love reading them! I won't have a chapter up tonight (sorry) but I should have it up tomorrow! :)