Review for Auditions for the story I was talking about

Auditions for the story I was talking about

(#) MissAbbieHudson 2012-05-27

Mikey`s girlfriend:
Name: Abbie Hudson
Hair style and colour: Half Way down back, Bluey-Black, Side parting and thick side fringe.
Eye colour: Hazely-Orange
make up: Thick Black Eyeliner and red lipstick
clothes(include shoes and any jewellery): AC/DC or Guns 'n' Roses or Anthrax or Rolling Stones t-shirts, any colour skinny jeans or denim shorts, odd socks and either converse or doc martins with a nightmare before Christmas hoodie.
piercings or tattoos: Lip-piercing(left side), ears-pierced 5 times (two in each lobe and top left) and right eyebrow.
anything else to do with looks: always has writing on her hands from where she either gets bored or need to remember anything
likes: dancing, getting drunk, playing truth or dare, reading, coffee and just chilling (kinda weird, I know :L)
dislikes: heights, in-closed spaces, mornings and fighting with people she likes.
personality: funny, kinda shy at first but always the one to break awkward times, she is also like an agony aunt/big sister, she is great with advice and solving other people's problems.
how long have you been with Mikey? since Valentines Day of the year this was set :L
Do you love him? to the moon and back
Thoughts on his elder brother Gerard: nice guy, kinda good looking too, but he's like a brother.
Music you like: if it's on Kerrang then it's good :3
Music you dislike: Nikki Minaj and shit like that, if it's over produced and auto-tuned then she doesn't like it.
What are you studying at university? Psychiatry
Hopes for the future: Become an adolescent counsellor and help teenagers who felt the same way she did, or people that just need some advice.
Do you know that Gerard`s best friend has a crush on you? Kinda notices, but doesn't say anything cause it would make things awkward
How do you feel about this if you know? very flattered, but her heart lies with Mikey.
What are your thoughts on her as a person? she is lovely, and she could do so much better than Abbie.

I know, it's shit... don't shoot me, can't wait to read the story, whether I get a part or not :3 If you do choose this character, feel free to change anything :D can't wait! ;DxoxoxoA