Review for Auditions for the story I was talking about

Auditions for the story I was talking about


Name: Megan Tait-Davies
Hair style and colour: red dreadlocks reading her mid-back
Eye colour: blue.
make up: quite natural with thick eyeliner
clothes(include shoes and any jewellery): colourful skinny jeans and t-shirts with witty/funny slogans on (her fave is a black tee with a guy with headphones dancing with a chicken...)
piercings or tattoos: septum and snake bites, she has "not a muggle, ever magical" with the deathly hallows symbol on her wrist.
anything else to do with looks: quite skinny and her skin has a yellowy undertone
likes: food, dancing (especially pointe ballet), music. Manga and comics.
dislikes: diets, and anything main stream
personality: quite witty and sarcastic and always has good comebacks, highly inteligent but not snobby. Friendly to everyone.
how long have you been with Mikey? A couple of years.
Do you love him? With all my heart, would never be able to get over him if they split
Thoughts on his elder brother Gerard: he's nice. A really good artist.
Music you like: fall out boy, greenday, nevershout never etc...
Music you dislike: one direction, jb, jls
What are you studying at university? Neurology, english lit, art, harry potter! Jk
Hopes for the future: to marry mikey and be an become an author or neurologist
Do you know that Gerard`s best friend has a crush on you? Nope
How do you feel about this if you know? Complimented that someone feels that way, but slightly uncomfortable.
What are your thoughts on her as a person? She seems cool, if a little overfriendly...
Thank you! X