Review for Auditions for the story I was talking about

Auditions for the story I was talking about

(#) GerardAllTheWay 2012-05-27

Part- Frank's twin
Name- Ashley Iero
Clothes he generally wears- Basically the same as Frank, and by that I mean skinnies, band merch, converse and Doc Martens
Clothes he wears for special occasions- A black dress shirt, a red tie and skinnies. Basically the Three Cheers outfit.
Hairstyle- Uh, the Fun Ghoul one, long and floppy.. ^^
Piercings or tattoos- Tongue piercing, and the BVB symbol tattooed on his wrist.
Make up- Only ever black or scarlet
Likes- His guitar, sunsets and rain, the moon, reading
Dislikes- Most things that have to do with popularity.
Music he likes- Black Flag, AMEN, Black Sabbath, Green Day, Misfits (obviously) BVB, P!ATD, FOB.
Music he dislikes- One Direction, Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez, anything to do with country and western, or pop.
What are you studying at university for- Music.
Hopes for the future- To be a guitarist for a rock band.
Personality- Can be a bit dark and moody. Girls hit on him lots but he shrugs them off. Mostly moody and shy.
Thoughts on Frank's sluttish behavior- Is really ashamed, mainly because that was what he was like a few years back.
Briefly describe your relationship with Frank- They used to be almost inseparable but now they've drifted apart, due to Frank's sluttiness. Ash tries to help him get out of it but Frank snaps and occasionally hits him.
You have a massive crush on a les/bi girl, do you know that she's gay- He knows, but she's the only girl he could really ever like so he refuses to move on.
How long have you liked her and why were you attracted to her- She was playing her bass when they met, he liked her down-to-earthness and he fell for her.
How I react when Frank pretends to be me to get into Gee's pants- Pretty upset, but quite guilty because he did the same with a few girls and a lot of guys.
Anything else- When he's alone, he drinks and cuts. He smokes too. Is a cocky motherfucker on the outsi but when he's alone he's scared and lonely and vulnerable.

Hope you liked him!! I had Ashley out of BVB in my head when I thought of him ^^