Review for Auditions for the story I was talking about

Auditions for the story I was talking about

(#) Cookie_monster 2012-05-27

Mikey`s girlfriend:
Name: Hozzie (Hollie) Nicole Bareham
Hair style and colour: Shoulder-length, full-fringe, straight. Brown with purple streaks.
Eye colour: Blue
make up: Never really wears make-up :L
clothes(include shoes and any jewellery): Band tee-shirts (All Time Low, We Are The In Crowd, Black Veil Brides, Evanescence) or David and Goliath tee-shirts. Baggy jeans of any colour. Pink sequin converse. Odd socks. 3 friendship bracelets made of thread. Moustache necklace.
piercings or tattoos: Both ears pierced - that's all :L
anything else to do with looks: Pale skin, blonde eye-brows, small for age.
likes: Chocolate milk. Orphan. Isabelle Fuhrman. Pie. Hugs. Friends. Music. Singing. Playing piano. Making people smile/laugh. The Hunger Games. K-on. Reading. Writing.
dislikes: Discrimination. Melted cheese. Pizza. Fizzy drinks. Smoking. Alcohol. Crying.
personality: Shy around new people but will open up more around friends. Easily offended/upset. Crybaby. Not good at standing up for herself. Hates arguing. Gullible.
how long have you been with Mikey? 2 years
Do you love him? Yes :3
Thoughts on his elder brother Gerard: Kinda scared of him.
Music you like: Rock, metal, alternative and when she's upset she likes listening to old cheesey pop songs.
Music you dislike: Justin Bieber, JLS, Nicki Minaj, Muse.
What are you studying at university? Music.
Hopes for the future: To do anything in the music industry.
Do you know that Gerard`s best friend has a crush on you? No.
How do you feel about this if you know?
What are your thoughts on her as a person? She seems nice :)

Sorry if this lacks information - I auditioned on my blackberry because I'd really like a part :D