Review for Auditions for the story I was talking about

Auditions for the story I was talking about

(#) ilovefrankieieroxx 2012-05-27

Gerard`s best friend

Name: No one knows her real name so people call her Beyond Birthday or BB for short ;o

Hair style and colour: Naturally black,*VcIj2bms91jv6s4VGULgvsExx22aN6dWN8SxmY/BB35.jpg?width=183&height=183

Eye colour: Has shinigami eyes but humans can't see them so black

Make up: Chalk white foundation, tonnes of black mascara, eye liner

Clothes (include shoes and any jewellery): Baggy black long sleeved top, baggy blue faded jeans, bare feet, no jewellery

Piercings or tattoos: Lip ring, on inside of left wrist

Anything else to do with looks: Has insomnia so has bags underneath her eyes even tho she tries to cover it up with makeup

Likes: jam, drawing, writing, playing guitar, playing bass, singing,

Dislikes: Arrogance, ignorance, war, racism, fascism, homophobia

Personality: Acts like L, has an obsession with jam, has an IQ of about 200, insomniac,

Music you like: Mostly old punk bands from the 70s but likes all sorts

Music you dislike: Justin Bieber -shudders-

What are you studying at university? Creative writing

Hopes for the future: An author

*How long have you been friends with Gerard? How did you become friends?
Describe your friendship with him:* They've been friends all their lives cause their mum's were friends until BB's mum died and since her dad left before she was born she lived with gee and Mikey, they're like brother and sister

When did you figure out you were attracted to girls? When she saw Hayley Williams - when she was 14

How did people generally respond to that? she got outcasted but gee and stuff

Does it bother you what homophobes think? Nope she doesn't give a shit

How long have you liked Mikey`s girlfriend and what first attracted you to her? She's liked her ever since they met and the way she acted and shit

Would you ever act on it or do you just want her to be happy with him? She wants her to be happy with Mikey

How do you react when you find out that Frank was pretending to be the nice twin to get into Gerard`s pants? She was angry at first but soon realized how much frank wanted him and stuff and eventually softened to him

Did you honestly believe that Frank was the other twin or did you have your doubts? She always had doubts

Anything else: Not that i can think of

Rosie :)