Review for Auditions for the story I was talking about

Auditions for the story I was talking about

(#) Mikeys_Glasses 2012-05-27

Gerard`s best friend
Name: Rae Carlisle
Hair style and colour: Wavy and a little past shoulders, almost black with a purple tint to it.
Eye colour: Light blue
make up: black eyeliner with grey eyeshadow

clothes(include shoes and any jewellery): Big grey hoodie, you can't really see her shirts, mostly shorts, and purple converse knee-highs.
piercings or tattoos: bottom lip pierced on the left side
anything else to do with looks: A bit tall and lanky for a girl

likes: Music, meeting new people, playing pranks, big crowds, sneaking around, making her friends laugh
dislikes: Uptight people, and most insects

personality: Really chilled and laid back, friendly to anyone she meets and likes to meet new people, not one to worry easily, swears a lot- but not in a mean way, likes to joke around, doesn't sleep much, Bit she can be a very good listener, even though she's kinda like a stoner. :P

Music you like: Any dubstep-like remix of a good song. Basically anything she can dance to.
Music you dislike: Metal or screamo

What are you studying at university? Something to do with electronics? :P
Hopes for the future: To make music, maybe DJ or make the dance music she likes. 
How long have you been friends with Gerard? How did you become friends? At a party in 10th grade, Gerard looked very uncomfortable, and Rae started to be very friendly towards him, and listened while he talked to her and stuff. 
Describe your friendship with him: Very trusting, she insights him to try and not care what people think.
When did you figure out you were attracted to girls? At the very party where she met Gerard, she kissed a girl there, but didn't know the other was drunk. Overall, she was pretty upset when the girl didn't remember a thing the next day. 
How did people generally respond to that? Sometimes it's awkward, but she usually tries to weasel her way out of the topic with a joke or something.
Does it bother you what homophobes think? She doesn't really think about it, and avoids the subject. 
How long have you liked Mikey`s girlfriend and what first attracted you to her? She was her chemistry tutor in the 11th grade.

Would you ever act on it or do you just want her to be happy with him? She would let things play out as they are meant to be. She's big on nature and 'miracles'.
How do you react when you find out that Frank was pretending to be the nice twin to get into Gerard`s pants? She's happy if Gerard is happy. 

Did you honestly believe that Frank was the other twin or did you have your doubts? She likes both of them, she isn't one to dislike anyone.