Review for Auditions for the story I was talking about

Auditions for the story I was talking about

(#) dancingdragon 2012-06-02

Mikey`s girlfriend: Pretty Please Please Pleeeease :D

Name: Jenna Jinxx

Hair style and colour:

Eye colour: Icy blue-ish gray like the picture

make up: Usually foundation or cover up to make her face flawless , or a simple cat eye and mascara like in the picture , so basically exactly like the picture haha :)

clothes(include shoes and any jewellery):

piercings or tattoos: Nose and lip peircing

anything else to do with looks: Hmmm , nope :)

likes: Longboarding , being with Mikey , Drawing and art , Doing peoples makeup, cutting hair (she cuts and dyes on her own), painting, singing, piano/keyboard, guitar

dislikes: When people make fun of her friends, but it doesn't bother her if people make fun of her (she thinks its funny), when mikey's sad.

personality: Very fun loving and adventurous, not afraid of anything really (except spiders) bubbly and cute, tries to find the best in every situation and the only time when she's not happy is in the morning (I mean who IS!?)

how long have you been with Mikey? They've known each other since they were kids and they had a big crush on each other (Her family was friends with the Way family) and a year ago Gerard forced them to get together because he knew they liked each other.

Do you love him? To death :3

Thoughts on his elder brother Gerard: She really likes him (IN A FRIENDSHIP WAY) and she looks up to him a lot. He's like her older brother since she's an only child, and spends a lot of time with him and Mikey because her parents are workaholics, and hardly come home for days.

Music you like:

Escape The Fate
Asking Alexandria
Bring Me The Horizen
Falling In Reverse
Paramore (favourite band)
The Millionares
Cobra Starship
Cobra Starship
Hollywood Undead
Dresden Dolls
Geoffery Paris
Jeffree Starr
Scary Kids Scaring Kids
Eminem ( Sorry but I like rap D: )
Nicki Minaj
Guns N' Roses
The Beatles

Music you dislike: Likes most music, except pop music like justin beiber, etc.

What are you studying at university? Preforming Arts, she wants to be a singer :D

Hopes for the future: To become a successful singer, to become a better artist, get good grades, marry Mikey

Do you know that Gerard`s best friend has a crush on you? Yes, Gerard accidently told her

How do you feel about this if you know? She doesn't mind really, she can get a little creeped out if the bestfriend tries to flirt or hints (because she's straight, but besides that she doesn't have a problem) HATES when people make fun of the bestfriend, and constantly defends her or she gets really upset by it.

What are your thoughts on her as a person? As a person she's great, adorable (IN A PUPPY DOG WAY), she's fun to hang around but really only likes her as a friend (She's straight)