(#) TakeMyLife 2012-06-04

I think it's an aweaome idea, I doubt i'd be able to post many stories but it'd be interesting to see what other people come up with:)

Also, try not to make too much work for yourself. I've read your stories and it's obvious that you word hard to get such detail but Writing your own stories to such an amazig level and then having to read and review others stories is going to be hard. I'm sure you can do it, but sometimes I worry that you're working yourself too hard.

Anyway, I love the idea, and if possible try to use some humorous songs? Like 'barbie girl' I'd love to see what the authors on here would come up with xD

Author's response

Thank you! And thank you for being so thoughtful, that's really sweet and I appreciate it a lot. Hopefully I'll manage to not overwork!

The 'barbie girl' song is a great idea- I'm gunna have to use that (I'll give you credit, don't worry)...Thanks again, honey!