this is good, i would like to see the next move Voldy plays, he should probably make it look like he is happy that Harrry is out of Azakban.
I look forward to the chat with Moody and Harry. If Harry has not picked up any useful magic or skills in azakaban, then Moody is the best person to provide training.
Where is Harry going to go, Hogwarts, or possible Potter or Black Manor. I was thinking Black Manor. Have Sirius's will reading. And get Harry to move to the Manor (no not Grim-old place, but BLACK manor). This is probably where he can get the most training (light and dark magic).
That way Harry does not have to go to Hogwarts, until he has got some plans and some knowledge behind his belt. I don't see the point of Hogwarts anymore. But i am sure that harry will be pushed that way. What kind of support (if any) will Hogwarts provide.
Any idea of a ship(s) for this story. Please no GINNY (bitch). Ron being as ass again. Hermione, (not as a ship), but as a friend i am still unsure. let us know will ya.
anyway, so far sooo good. Congrats and update soon. cheers.
Author's response
There will be no H/Hr, Or H/g or Slash. No worries there. I am undecided on ships.
Unsure on Hogwarts. Thanks a lot.