Review for The road to recovery. (Or so we think...)

The road to recovery. (Or so we think...)

(#) DisenchatedDestroya 2012-06-10

Just finished catching up with this and I must say that it's just getting better and better!

Mikey's unwillingness and terror at the idea of a new school shows clearly just how traumatized/introverted he is; for him to not want to leave a place like Belleville High through fear of having to face new people really does say a lot about his character and the effect of all that he's been through. Gerard and Frank's desperation to get him to change schools makes it clear how much they care about him, that they understand what's going on and just want the best even if the best might at first seem frightening to Mikey. I love what Frank said about being lucky to know Mikey; it was just soooooo sweet and perfect and adorable. Also, I'm glad Bob's coming into it. I don't know if he'll be as nice as Gerard is making him out to be or if he'll be a total asshole, but new characters are always exciting!

Out of interest; will we be hearing from Mr Wentz anytime soon? Because I think he's got some explaining to do. Or I could just go straight to garroting him with his own dick. Whatever works best for you.

Anyway, fantastic job on a, so far, fantastic story! Can't wait for more; update when you can! :D

Author's response

Wow! Thank you very much. I'm really glad you've enjoyed the story so far. I'm really happy that you see how traumatised Mikey is by this whole thing of moving schools and also, it is really cool how you think that it tells alot about him. It's also a relief that you can see how understanding Gerard and Frank are about it all. I was worried that it seemed that they were rushing into it and that thy didn't really care.
That point about Bob is also something I've been taking into consideration. I'm not sure whether to leave the story finished in a few chapters time or continue on with it. (Not sure how though... I feel like Mikey has been put through enough!! ;) ) I am worried that the story will be stretched out too much if I continue. Perhaps any suggestions on that?

About Pete, I plan on the next chapter being in his point of view but in the mean time you can be garrotting him with his dick and I'll happily watch! :)
Thank you soooo much for reading and leaving such helpful and kind reviews. I cannot thank you enough for them. :)