Review for Audition!!!!


(#) Cookie_monster 2012-07-10

Name : Hozzie (Hollie) Nicole Bareham

Skype Messenger name : CookieMonster

Gender : Female

Looks : Dark brown hair with purple streaks, full-fringe, shoulder-length. Blue eyes. Pale skin. Long finger nails that are so long, people think they're fake. Small. Size 6 feet. Blonde eye-brows.

Age (15 - 17 ) : 15

Are you self conscious ? : yes but only around strangers

What was your childhood like? (BE ORIGINAL) : parents divorced when she was 2. Had a great time whenever she was with her Mom but always shy and embarrassed at her Dads (every Friday) because she feels like a disappointment to him.

If it was a bad childhood which MCR guy knows about it or does anyone know about it? : Mikey knows about her being scared of her Dad.

One favourite band : We Are The In Crowd

Band you hate alot : JLS

Talents : Singing, writing, typing really fast, playing piano

Anything else : scared of the dark

:) xoxo