Review for Everything Is Changing

Everything Is Changing

(#) eastjesusyourmom 2012-08-05

Still, this is super embarassing, it's like you've found my hidden porn stash. Not that I have a hidden porn stash...
-pushes pictures of Pete Wentz's penis back under my bed-
Seriously though, Ally is really pissed - I remember she was always ranting like "Someone keeps on rating my stories but not reviewing, it's REALLY annoying!" and I was just like "Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehe, she will never know..." and now she does ugh my life is a lie
Still, we must make babies. And Ally's still in a coma from the jigglypuff song, so s'all good. -thumbs up-

Author's response

Well maybe because Ally has already reviewed she won't look in this review box again...Although if anyone looks at it it's just a conversation about porn and stuff XD
Pffft my whole computer is full of pictures and GIFs of MCR although none of them have ever shown their penis XD
You think you're life is a lie...Ellie isn't even my real name O_O Actually yes , yes it is but I just told you a lie so yeah...
Yes we must indeed make babies haha damn that jigglypuff :L