Review for Our Lips Touch

Our Lips Touch

(#) imakilljoywannabe 2012-08-28


You made them get together. I officially want to find you and come to your house and give you a ginormous hug! (non-creepily of course)

I must know who interrupted! Who saw them? WHY WERE THEY THERE? IMPORTANT QUESTIONS! That I won't get an answer to...until the next chapter.... ~sigh~ now I'm saddened. BUT, I still LOVELOVELOVELOVELOVE the chapter!

I can't wait for the next! I was actually doing the same retarted bird thing as RockMusic when I read this, I went all fangirly and everything! :D The part where you commented on 'MissFilthyDivineMCR' and her ghostliness (I seriously don't know how else to put that :/) was hilarious!

Hmmmmm character names..... How about: KC Thornton, Abby Fenser, Skye Darlon (a boy), or Carson Adser? Idk.

Oh god those were horrible names..... Especially the last names..... Okay NEVER EVER ask me to write last names for you I will fail epicly and we'll both be sad.... So just don't do it!

ANyways, thank you for your comment about my prison's freakiness. It warms my heart to know that another person thinks it's creepy :D

And, yes Frank will be treated very well now that we no longer have to hide that we have him! We can switch off having him every other week! Lots of coffee and skittles and other caffeine for Frankie! (Though maybe not too much....I don't want him to hurt himself with that lightsaber I promised you!) Which, by the way you have earned! I even made a special case that only opens with your fingerprint (which I totally have) so that Frankie can't hurt himself! (Hopefully)

For your next chapter I'll give I've given you so much I can't think of anything new.......How about all of Frank's dogs? I don't know what else to give you so....Give me ideas maybe?

Chapter 14, I'll be waiting for you. XOXO

Author's response

~finished reading comment~ 'how the fuck did you get my finger print?'

ANNNNNNNNNNNNNYWAY...yay hugsXD I love hugs. (Creepy or non-creepy...still love all hugs)

You’ll find out who interrupted them soon in the next update.

Arr the 'retarted bird thing'...I love it. dead set every time I get a comment on my story I sometimes do the 'Retarted bird' and go all fan girl and smile like I was on drugs (Drugs, gimme drugs, gimme drugs, I don't need it But I'll sell what you got, take the cash and I'll keep it Eight legs to the wall, hit the gas, kill them all And we crawl and we crawl and we crawl, you be my detonator

Love, gimme love, gimme love, I don't need it But I'll take what I want from your heart and I'll keep It In a bag, in a box , put an X on the floor Gimme more, gimme more, gimme more, shut up and sing it with me!!!!!) sorry…good songXD

(My friends give me strange looks after I’ve finished reading comments and i just burst out laughing...They don't know i read and write Freareds, they wouldn't understand...that's why Frerards are my secret guilty pleasure, like eating chees cake in the cupped XD)

that's why i haven't told my real name :P but i thing one of my friend is on to me tho....or i could just be paranoid.

Yay FRANKIE!!! did you know i was eating skittles while writing parts of this chapter...(i can't look at skittles without thinking of Frankie)

yay Frankies dogs...but their his dogs, i couldn't take them away from 'bout they come and stay for a week or two:)

ummm…I don’t know what I want…it’s like when people ask me what I want for my B’day…‘I don’t know’. Hey speaking of my B’day I’s coming up soon…like this Monday coming XD yay!

Hey do you ‘BOTDF’…AKA…‘blood on the dance floor’? how bout I get them next? Or maybe ‘The Used’ or…or…Umm I don’t know…hey what other bands do you like?

Well I better go now…THANK YOU for the comment, I can never get enough of them :) :) :) :D :D :D :D :D :D :D XD XD XD XD XD. Thanks again.XOXO.