Review for An Audition...

An Audition...

(#) tmbfucks 2012-08-29

Part: Bandit's best friend please! :)
Name: Penina Dayne
Age (I'd like the characters to be around 16 or 17, please.): Well, I'm 15, but you can make me however old you need me to be.
Appearance is split for detail.
Hair color and style: Long, straight, chestnut brown with a full fringe
Eyes: Big and green
Weight/Height: I don't know how much I weigh, and I'm 5'3
Clothes: Short sleeved shirts with a picture or pattern on it, and black leggings and black boots
Tattoos/piercings: None. XD
Anything else regarding appearance: I have a banana shaped scar on my left elbow for being crazy in my living room and falling in glass when I was 9 XD
Personality: Bubbly, friendly, witty, loyal, funny, clever, can get very angry at times, but I'm crazy hyper and I love Bandit as much as a friend could love a friend!
How do you feel about the song?: I like it because Bandit made it and it's my sort of style, but I warn her not to let the fame change her
Any ideas for band names (I need a ton of them for the story.)?: Mind the Madness?
Any other info: You can use these or not, I don't mind, but I'm originally from London and I have autism.

That's it! Good luck! (and pick me ;)) xx