Review for An Audition...

An Audition...

(#) ItsM0llyBitch 2012-08-29

Part: Main love interest

Name: Molly

Age (I'd like the characters to be around 16 or 17, please.): 17

Appearance is split for detail.
Hair color and style: Long straight platinum blonde hair with a rainbow streak underneath, sweeping fringe, slightly puffed up

Eyes: Bright green

Weight/Height: 5'0", slim

Clothes: Skinny jeans, converse, army boots (not heels), vans, band tees (Iron Maiden, Metallica, FOB, Evanescence, MSI, MCR etc), hoodies, waistcoats, loads of bracelets, long necklaces with charms on

Tattoos/piercings: Three piercing in each lobe, two cartilae on right, nose ring on right, lip ring on left, no tattoos yet but wants loads

Anything else regarding appearance: Pale, freckles across nose

Personality: Funny, shy around new people, kind, caring, will fight for anyone who she loves

How do you feel about the song?: She thinks it's a horrible song and it's not fair she had no choice over fame

Any ideas for band names (I need a ton of them for the story.)?: Attack The System?

Any other info: Plays bass, draws, sings, writes poems and stories

Thanks, can't wait to read it :3 x