Review for An Audition...

An Audition...

(#) Cookie_monster 2012-08-29

Part: Bandit's best friend please :)
Name: Hozzie (Hollie) Nicole Bareham
Age (I'd like the characters to be around 16 or 17, please.): 16
Appearance is split for detail.
Hair color and style: Dark brown with pink highlights, full-fringe, shoulder-length, straight.
Eyes: Bright blue
Weight/Height: I'm not sure exactly but short and skinny
Clothes: Band tee-shirts (All Time Low, Black Veil Brides, Give Chase, Envy of The State, We Are The In Crowd, Slipknot), loose jeans of any colour and pink sequin converse. Always wears odd socks :)
Tattoos/piercings: Both ears pierced, nose pierced.
Anything else regarding appearance: Scar on tongue where she split it open when she was two. Pale white skin. Long fingernails currently painted pink.
Personality: Shy. Gullible. Friendly. Likes making people laugh or smile. Always listens but isn't the best at giving advice afterwards. Crybaby.
How do you feel about the song?: Hates it, feels really guilty for Bandit everytime she hears it.
Any ideas for band names (I need a ton of them for the story.)?: Oh man, I'm so bad at thinking of band names :( There's a band at my school called 'Swag' and another called 'the band' but yeah :L
Any other info: Scared of the dark, loves to sing and play piano.

Hope I get in! :D

Love Hozzie