Review for An Audition...

An Audition...

(#) Mikeys_Glasses 2012-08-29

Part: Love interest or Best Friend
Name: Anna Carlisle
Age: 16

Appearance is split for detail.
Hair color and style: Dark brown dyed black underneath, just touches shoulders, shaggy and usually somewhat in face.
Eyes: Light grey to dark grey. 
Weight/Height: Very small for her age. Only about 5'1 and 100 lbs. 

Clothes: Oversized college sweaters (dark in color) that cover her hands and go almost to her knees. Wears shorts underneath but you usually don't see them. Also hates shoes, but wears grey converse when forced. 
Tattoos/piercings: None, but says she's going to get a sleeve when she's 18.
Anything else regarding appearance: Pale skin. 

Personality: Sarcastic and temperamental, swears a lot, quick to get angry or yell at people, can be somewhat rude to those she doesn't know, creative with insults, stubborn, doesn't like meeting new people, can be affectionate with those she does know, very impatient.

How do you feel about the song?: Doesn't really care for break-up songs. 

Any ideas for band names (I need a ton of them for the story.)?: Sniffing Sharpies. I just like that name xD 

Any other info: not that I can think of! :3