Review for Our Lips Touch

Our Lips Touch

(#) MissFilthyDivineMCR 2012-09-03

I'm so sorry for this late reply! WOW! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR MENTIONING ME IN THIS CHAPTER!!! This chapter is soo heart melting. I felt that kiss!! :3 Y'know, there's not any bad things in being a ghost. You're free to do anything you want, steal anything, go places... the list goes on. You should join me someday! :D Haha! Btw, you're going to get 2 more reviews from me! Off to read your other amazing chapters! :))
Love, Sabrina XOXO
~Stay Beautiful, Keep It Ugly~

Author's response

YAY you commented, It's not like i was waiting or anything ~shifty eyes~....OK! so maybe i was XD.

your totally welcome for the mention, I was typing it up and as i have said many times before i make it up the story on the spot and i was like 'hey this would sound pretty good' so then i typed it....true story bro :P

I'm so happy that you liked the kissing bit.

I'm totally going to be a ghost one day XD!

thank you for the comment.