Review for HELP? :(

HELP? :(

(#) scarlett_fitch2027 2012-09-06

The rating system here is a fascist piece of totalitarian shit.

Has anyone else rated your story? Because if it was Unrated and one person rated it down then it will be -1 and no one will be able to see it unless they have a -1 filter on. Otherwise it's just a glitch and won't be fixed by the admins because they fucked off a long time ago leaving us with the mess they made.

The rating system also doesn't do averages because it's so bloody MEDIEVAL which means that the more people who read your story the better rating it gets. This is b.s. because it means loads of amazing stories don't get rated because not many people are reading them. Sound fair? It's not. It's fascist.


Author's response

I totally agree. The whole system is completely unfair and ineffective.

And yes, my first chapter is green, which is what confused me so much. None of my chapters have the -1 and "Trainwreck" on it, it's just the story as a whole. I have no idea how whatever troll that decided to mess with my story did it.