Review for Mister Sister

Mister Sister

(#) Ravan-VanSlaughter 2012-10-15

Okay, so I go into school today only to find my only lesson today has been cancelled because my ICT teacher has got manflu so I get to spend my day in town, and now i come home to find this? Best Monday ever! =D
Raven Toro... I LOVE IT!! =D
And lol, love TBBT reference too, Sheldon is awesome and a condom not working? Uh oh, in some casing it can be bad but in this case it's worked out perfectly, I can't wait to read more of this =)

Author's response

Haha. That sounds awesome! But in my school they just get a substitute teacher. :/ I'm glad you liked it! Sheldon's the best! XD xx