Review for Please help me?

Please help me?

(#) tmbfucks 2012-11-01

Hozzie, I felt the exact same thing a while back. I hated everything and everyone. If I wasn't such an idiot that had low-pain threshold, I would've killed myself. I don't even know why I hated everyone. I just did. I think it may pass at some point, but when it happened to me one day, it got really bad. My parents forced me to go to the hospital. Turns out nothing was wrong with me, but I just felt so fed up with everyone. It was just confusing and horrible. I had no clue how bad I was though. About a year later my family discovered after not going to that shithole school for ages, that I had high-functioning autism and severe depression. I was scared. I just wouldn't talk to anyone. I hated my mum, I hated my dad, I hated everyone. My mum has a partner, and she was at the beginning of a relationship with him, and I just hated him, and he was probably the nicest person there was at the time. I felt like shit. I think it will pass for you though. And remember, I'm always here for you! :3 xx