Review for The Vampires Mate

The Vampires Mate

(#) WynonaKing90 2006-11-08

i am going to be brutally honest, so don't take this personally cause i really do love your writting (expecially Famous Last Words)but i am going to tell u what i think anyway:

rolls eyes the only reason you think
gerard and frank are the most vampirest is becasue they r the lead guys. Everyone mainly writes about Frank and gerard. Never, ray, mikey, or bob. that just annoys me how you r going to only use those two cause they r the most good looking. I really hope u add the other guys cause they r seriously good players too and rather interesting.

Okay, now. I'm done. I hope u dont hate me now, i was just saying what i think. I really do love ur writting! :D

Author's response

I do not take brutal honesty to heart.
I take it like anyone else (especially an writer)will take it.
Try and make my readers happy.
I understand what you are saying, yes they are the lead ones of the group.
But to me, they seem more likely to be vampiric then anyone else.
I am glad that you do actually read my stories and are a fan.
I have tried to write stories about the guys, but I just cant. I find Gerard and Frank the best to write about.
I would love to write about the rest of them and put them in this story, but I dont even really have a story line behind them.
I get frustraited and feel as if I neglect them because I dont know what to write.
I appreciate your honesty, even if it was brutal.
Not really brutal, but opens my eyes as a writer.